Does KETO make your skin better?
The ketognic, or keto, diet is the latest diet craze that lots of people are trying. Like any strict diet, the keto diet can also have an impact on your skin.
There is no guarantee that the keto diet will help or hurt your skin, but there are few benefits and drawbacks that you might notice on your skin:
- Omega 3 fats are great for your skin. High in fats, the keto diet may help to combat dry skin and inflammatory conditions like acne. Just need to make sure you stock up healthy fats from foods like avocados, salmon and walnuts an no junk fats like potatoe chips and french fries.
- Cutting down on simple carbohydrates can help your skin. Simple carbs like white bread, potatoes and pasta are converted as sugar in your body, which can increase inflammation and contribute ance and aging.
- Increased dairy intake make lead to breakouts. 'studies have shown that dairy can increase the odds of developing acne.
BEAUTY FOODS for Healthy Skin
While the keto diet can offer some benefits for your skin, it's not the most effective diet to try if your goal is to achieve a smoother, healthier looking complexion. If this is your main goal, try adding more of these beauty foods in your daily diet:
- salmon
- carrots
- broccoli
- bell peppers
- almonds
- berries
- cinnamon
- dark chocolate.
It is always best to check with your doctor before starting a new diet. If you develop a rash or other skin or health issues while on keto diet, talk to your doctor.